Why Give 100% of Profits to Charity?
Why Give 100% of Profits to Charity?
In September 1985 I woke up one morning and I was paralyzed from the middle of my chest down. Every movement of my lower body caused me to scream in pain. The best doctors in the world couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. At the same time I had a disease called ulcerative colitis and it was in remission. Because of the additional stress the ulcerative colitis returned. I was at a very low point in my life and I remember uttering a fervent prayer asking Heavenly Father for a moment of peace. Almost immediately a feeling of peace came over me and for a very brief moment all the pain was gone. Over a year before I had met with two young missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. At that time they taught me the gospel of Jesus Christ. I listened and decided it was a great idea but not for me. I mention that because in that moment of peace a thought strongly came into my mind urging me to talk with the missionaries again. I met with them in the hospital and this time their message resonated with me and I committed to be baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The next morning I started to get better. No one knew why. But I started to get better. Eventually they discovered a cyst on my colon that was pushing on a nerve in my back. That cyst had caused the paralysis. In October 1985 I was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and from that point forward my life has progressively gotten better. Over a year later my ulcerative colitis was so bad the doctors had to remove my colon. When they did that, a two hour operation turned into a six hour operation. The doctors discovered two holes in my colon and told my wife I should have been dead. From those experiences I was given a unique perspective on what it’s like to lose your mobility and to have a second chance at earthly life.These experiences have given me great empathy for people that have mobility issues. As a result 100% of the profits from my photography sales are donated to Latter-day Saint Charities. Their mission is to“Help others feel the love of Jesus Christ by relieving suffering, instilling hope, and building stability to strengthen families and promote individual dignity.” Among their many charitable outreaches Latter-day Saint Charities provide wheelchairs and mobility aids for individuals throughout the world who cannot afford mobility aids. When you choose to purchase one of my photographs you are contributing to an ongoing effort to provide wheelchairs and mobility aids to everyone in the world that needs one regardless of race, creed, color, or ethnic orientation. Thank you so very much.